– Companies with which we cooperate –
- Hornonitrianske bane zamestnanecká, a.s., revision repairs of freight wagons type Falls 11 sk.
- Cargo Wagon, a.s., revision repairs of freight wagons type Falls 11 sk, Falls 51 sk., Eas 53 sk., Eas 54 sk. and Res 67 sk. including surface conditioning (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- TSS GRADE, a.s., revision repairs of freight wagons type Ua, Facc, Faccpps, Scmms and PaO. Including surface conditioning (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- FORTISCHEM, a.s., revision repairs of freight wagons type Z and tanks cleaning off the carbide mixtures. Inner and outer surface conditioning (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Ministerstvo obrany SR, revision repairs of petroleum products transporting freight cisterns, including inner and outer surface conditioning (using SIKA PERMACOR 2807/HS-A coating system)
- ZOS Zvolen s.r.o.,revision repairs and surface conditioning of wagons type Res 67 sk. and Ua (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Hrochostroj a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type Xabgs (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- S u b t e r r a a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type Res 67 sk. (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Bancor Krf., wagons sale, revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type Res 51 sk., Res 67 sk. and Regs (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- ŽELOS, s.r.o., surface conditioning of railway wagons of domestic and foreign carriers (using HEMPEL coating system)
- Železničné stavby a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type Scmms, Faccpps, Facc (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- SLOV-VAGON a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of tank freight wagons type Z
- CD Cargo Slovakia a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of wagons type Eas 53 sk. (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Prvá Slovenská železničná a.s.,revision repairs and surface conditioning of wagons type Fals (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- ŽS Cargo Slovakia a.s., routine maintenance of freight wagons type Eas 53 sk., Ea 54 sk.
- TransLog Slovakia a.s., revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type Falls 11 sk (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Dolvap, s. r. o. Varín,revision repairs and surface conditioning of freight wagons type RAJ (using LANKWITZER coating system)
- Mondi SCP a.s., Ružomberok, repair and production of filters for catch tanks
- DONAU CHEMIE AG, tanks cleaning off the carbide mixtures